Fleet Feet: You’ve done a lot to promote strong over skinny. Why is it so important to you that you create a new body paradigm for runners? And why do you think this is an important shift for running culture in general?
Allie Kieffer: Unfortunately running can put an unnecessary emphasis on conforming to irrational body standards. It’s been meaningful to disrupt that norm and prove that I don’t have to fit someone else’s stereotypes to run fast. I’ve emphasized being strong over skinny because strength represents more than the physical. Running is also about our mindset, our attitude and our confidence.
FF: Can you talk a little bit about your evolution when it comes to your relationship with the number on the scale? As an athlete, why is it important to take a step back from this?
AK: The longer I run the more obvious it becomes that my fastest times aren’t linear to my lightest weight.
FF: You signed with ASICS (2019). What are you most excited about when it comes to working with the brand?
AK: ASICS was the first shoe I ever ran in. So, I’m excited to be working with the company whose shoes I wore when I first fell in love with running. Also, partnering with a progressive brand like ASCIS is meaningful to me. Their campaign The New Strong celebrates the strength of women!