We are always interviewing for part-time/full-time sales associates.
Before you consider filling out our employment application, we have some things for you to think about. Are we right for you? Test yourself with these questions:
Do you have a sales sense? Our customers appreciate learning about our products… from shoe technology to the importance of carrying a hydration pack. You should be comfortable (even passionate and excited!) about suggesting items people might enjoy.
Are you good at switching gears? When customer traffic slows, you will find yourself busy with stocking, cleaning and more. But when somebody walks in the door, your focus has to switch 100% to friendly customer service.
Can you stay calm and friendly under pressure? Expect a fast pace for hours on end! Imagine yourself providing iconic customer care to 2 guests at the same time (with your other team members doing the same), all while 5 more guests are waiting to be served. This happens every day at Fleet Feet and all of our customers expect and deserve a consistent, complete and caring customer experience.
Are you a team player? The Fleet Feet team is a family. We work closely with each other, often under stress. No matter what’s going on in your week, your team members will be counting on you to be 100% "on" when your shift starts. We all depend on each other and support each other. You need to be respectful and patient, and you also need to pull your own weight when it comes to customers and other work that has to get done.
Are you willing to learn new things? People know us as the FIT experts. “FIT” does not just refer to shoes but all of our products and our service. You’ll need to make an effort to get educated about all of our products, so that you can deliver the highest level of service our guests have come to expect. We’ll help you, but it will be up to you to ask questions and take the time to learn and remember things.
Do you pay attention to the little things? It’s the thoughtful little touches that make a “specialty” store special - like remembering a frequent guests’ name or what type of shoe they run in. Going an extra mile for a guest by staying open late or rush shipping them a pair of socks before a big race is what sets us apart. Fun little extras go a long way and make your job worth the effort.
Are you patient and eager to serve people? We believe it is a pleasure to serve, and we expect team members to demonstrate this core value from the moment customers enter the doors. You will greet and make conversation with all kinds of people, eager to serve their needs, to take time and care for them. If you feel shy or awkward about talking with strangers or if you can't get excited to serve guests (even touch their feet) you probably will not like it here.
Are you available on evenings and weekends? In this business, evenings and weekends are a KEY TIME when many of our customers shop and stop by the store for one of our many fun runs and seminars. It is critical to our continued success that our employees be flexible and comfortable working a variety of shifts, including evenings and weekends.
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