What is St. Charles Runners Club?
The SCRC is a group of people across numerous demographics that all share a passion for running and other outdoor athletic challenges. The club is an Road Runners club of America affiliate member and chartered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Do I need to be a member to run/walk with St. Charles Runners Club?
All of the club’s runs and walks are open to all. You do not need to be a member to join us. Just show up at the start location and join the fun.
I’m new to running. Is the St. Charles Runners Club right for me?
Yes. SCRC members were all new to running at one time or another, some of us much longer ago that others. We make every effort to encourage new runners to join us, not only for the running, but also for the conversation and camaraderie. If you are not sure how to get started, join us at a club event or weekly run and ask a club member.
When and where does the club meet to run?
The club’s mainstay is our weekly Saturday morning group run/walks that start at 7am. The Saturday morning run is year round rain or shine with the course rotating between 3 locations throughout the year. The courses are generally set up for 10 miles however they all have options to easily shorten or lengthen the distance to meet your personal fitness level or running goals. Check out the club’s website or Facebook page for more detailed information about where and when we are running. Our web site is updated regularly to provide information on our programs. Or visit us on Facebook.
Do I have to be fast to run with the St. Charles Runners Club?
No. SCRC members cover a wide spectrum of ages and abilities. You can be sure you will find other members who run/walk at your pace. Whether you are a runner or walker no one gets left behind.
I’m not very fast. What if I can’t keep up?
The club has members who run at a wide range of paces. As a result, the group spreads out during the course of a run. You don’t need to keep up with anyone because odds are good that you’ll find one or more runners at your pace, particularly on the beautiful spring mornings when there’s a big crowd.
What if I get lost on the course/trail?
So far, we have never lost a runner or walker – at least not permanently. Directions and maps for the weekend runs are on the web page. The Saturday courses are usually marked on the roads so if you are paying attention it would be hard to get lost. Furthermore, on Saturdays odds are good there will be someone near your speed who knows the course. If you are still concerned the best option is to bring the directions for the first few times through the course.
How long are the runs?
They are as long or short as you want to make them. The Saturday morning courses are marked and rotate throughout the year. They are generally set up for 10 miles however they all have options to easily shorten or lengthen the distance to meet your personal fitness level or running goals.
What if the weather is bad? Do you cancel scheduled events?
The weekly Saturday morning run will go on rain or shine and include someone to lead the start of the run and a mapped course. SCRC does not have the ability to contact all members on short notice to inform them an event is canceled. For that reason we do not officially cancel our routinely scheduled events. Participation in any club event is at your discretion and so we do not want to encourage anyone to come out to an event if they are not comfortable with the weather conditions. SCRC encourages you to use your best judgment as to whether or not it weather conditions are safe for you to run at a club event. If the weather is bad, we cannot guarantee anyone will be at the run.
Do I need any special gear or clothes?
Running is a simple activity and does not require special gear, you can wear whatever you are comfortable wearing. We would recommend doing research on your own, talking with a club member, or getting more information from your nearest Fleet Feet Sports store about running shoes if you plan to run on a regular basis (which we hope you do).
Why should I become a member?
Why wouldn’t you want to hang out with fun people that all love to run/walk? Your membership includes your immediate family. You are welcome to join our run/walks without being a member, but we do encourage those who participate regularly to join the club. Club membership dues help fund our events throughout the year and at $30/year, it is not much to ask.
Who runs the St. Charles Runners Club?
The St. Charles Runners Club is formally administered by an unpaid board of directors, which consists of 4 members who are elected by the club’s membership annually. However, it is all the club’s members who really run the SCRC.
How many people belong to the St. Charles Runners Club?
Membership in the SCRC is not by individual it is by family. Including family members the club has about 150 members.
Can I volunteer to help?
Yes. The St. Charles Runners Club relies exclusively on volunteers to make all the events and activities successful. Please contact any SCRC board member to learn about volunteer opportunities.
Are there any social activities?
After each weekend morning run, the group convenes at a local restaurant for breakfast. Hanging out after a run to eat or have a drink is commonplace for club members. The club has many social events including quarterly meetings, movie night, a pool party, and holiday party. In addition to these regular activities, club members regularly meet to run, bike, swim, or participate in many other social activities. It is not uncommon for club member families to vacation together.
How do I find out what’s going on?
Our primary communication is via our website, Facebook page, and club email distribution list. The website and Facebook pages are updated regularly. They contain our schedule, including course maps, as well as information about all our activities. Our web site is updated regularly to provide information on our programs. Or visit us on Facebook. Please email SCRC-Info@emaildodo.com with any questions you may have.
Are kids allowed to run with the club?
Promoting an active lifestyle is certainly something we would want to encourage for our youth; however, we do not have the ability to monitor, supervise, or care for unaccompanied children. Therefore, we discourage bringing children to club runs who are not old enough to take care of themselves.
Can I run while listening to my iPod/ iPhone or other music player?
We know that some runners enjoy listening to music while they run. While we have no rules prohibiting the use of music players while ruling, we are a social organization and we encourage conversation.
Can I bring my dog?
Pets are welcome, but pet owners are expected to be exceptionally diligent in controlling their pets to ensure other runner/walker’s safety is not jeopardized. As you can imagine, things could get a little crazy and dangerous with 20 people running together with dogs and leashes.
Do you offer any training?
SCRC does not offer a formal training program. Members are experienced runners and always happy to share their experiences. Members can also recommend various programs if you would like to join a formal training program.
Why do you call it a run/walk? Which is it?
In order to promote overall fitness our SCRC events are whatever you want them to be. We are a running club and refer to the events as “runs”. However, we have a very active group who prefer to walk. We use the term “run/walk” to be inclusive of all our members and their families.
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