Winter Warriors & Stronger Runner!
It's that time of year again! Join our training groups this winter to stay fit and motivated through those cold winter months.
Attend group runs, themed runs and events. You'll earn points along the way. Based on the number of points you earn during the season, you will reach incentive tiers. We'll track your points through Fitvil and post standings at the end of the program.
A Circuit Training program with adaptations for individual capabilities and fitness levels. Our team of coaches will incorporate running drills, running form education, core and lower body strengthening exercises, whole body strength training through TRX suspension, and more to get your ready for a strong spring season. Be prepared to challenge your body in new exercises and workouts that will give your indoor training purpose for your 2017 race season. Spend your winter months becoming a Stronger Runner!
Learn all the details on our website--we'd love to have you join us!
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