Runner's Essential Core Routine
The core is the power center of a runner's body. Improving your core strength will maximize your progress towards becoming a better athlete.
- Start with 2 rounds of 30 sec for each exercise
- For single sided exercises, perform 30 sec on each side
- Perform 2-4 times per week, generally on easy run and/or cross-training days
- Work up to 5-8 rounds of 30 sec each exercise, adding a round every week or two
- Focus on proper form, not speed or number of repetitions
- When an exercise becomes easy, challenge yourself to try the harder modification, even for just a few repetitions or rounds
Sumo Squat - Body Weight Squat - Squat with Side Lateral Lift
Single Leg Balance - Tipping Bird - Tipping Bird with Cross-Tap
Knee Plank - Plank - Plank Tick Tocks
Box or Knee Push-up - Push-up - Push-up with Offset Hands
Clamshells - Fire Hydrant - Fire Hydrant Circles
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