We love to be involved with our local team! As a former collegiate athlete, the owner of the store used to assist head coaches and be involved with local Middle Schools and High Schools in the Middle Tennessee area( Whitworth Buchanan Middle, Riverdale High and Siegel High.) She would personally love to get to know you all, if she doesn't already, and maybe come run with your team sometimes.
Twice a year, we will host a special evening for all the local teams! It is the perfect time to have fun with your teamates and WIN some COOL swags, while being fitted for a new pair of spikes for the upcoming season! Coaches, students or parents who wants to know more, fill out the form below! We will also offer gifts with purchase, snacks, and 15% discount on all spikes and training shoes on these special nights! Our vendors such as New Balance, Saucony and Nike will help support the night with fun prizes and opportunities to help raise money for your school and team!
Student Athletes! Parensts! Remember, you receive A FREE PAIR OF SOCKS ($12 value) with all spikes and trainers all season long. **Socks will not be given during Spike Nights, as it is replace by the 15% discounts**
Coaches! Students! Parents! We will have 2 incentives during this time. (Visit
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