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Earth Day Trail Cleanup!

Show the Trail Some Love!

To celebrate Earth Day and preserve our favorite trail, Fleet Feet is hosting a trail cleanup from Fleet Feet Lincoln! All attendees will be given a trash bag, gloves, and one hour to pick up as much garbage as they can. This is not just any standard trail cleanup, though. We will be awarding prizes to individuals based on the following categories:

  • Most unusual find - prize TBA
  • Biggest trash haul - winner gets a FREE pair of Altra shoes
  • Best team spirit - prize TBA

We'll meet on Sunday, April 21, at 9am at Fleet Feet Lincoln. This event is completely free and perfect for volunteer hours, team building, and meeting more members of the Lincoln running/walking community!

Join us in making a positive impact on our local nature trails and inspiring others to do the same! Join us at Fleet Feet Lincoln on Sunday, April 21, at 9am!

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