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January 24th, 2024 Newsletter

Fleet Feet Chico Black

Fleet Feet Chico Newsletter
January 24th, 2024


JS Strength and Conditioning
Running Specific Training Class

Runners need strength training too!

Strength training for runners starts this Monday January 29th with our friends at JS Strength and Conditioning. This class offers a 10-week and 5-week option and focuses on the strength runners need to succeed. Space is limited.
Register now to get your spot! 

6:15pm Class - SOLD OUT

5:00pm (10-week)
5:00pm (5-week)

More Information
Free Monthly Cafe Runs
with Bidwell Perk


Cafe Runs with Fleet Feet Chico
Every 2nd Sunday at Bidwell Perk

Join Fleet Feet Chico for a new monthly fun run with Bidwell Perk! 

Sundays are a great day for a recovery run, and what is a nice recovery run without a warm cup of coffee at the end!?!

Fleet Feet Chico with be partnering with Bidwell Perk to offer a Free Fun Run on the second Sunday of EVERY MONTH! 

Come to Bidwell Perk at 8:00am to meet up with the morning run crew, head out on a beautiful morning run and finish at Bidwell Perk for a complimentary cup of fresh brewed coffee! (First Cup complementary)

Mark your calendar for the remaining dates for 2024:

February 11th


March 10th
April 14th
May 12th

For more information about this or any other event please contact


Bidwell Classic 
5k/10k and Half Marathon 

Join us for the Bidwell Classic 5K, 10k and Half Marathon. 


This year we are offering a Cash Prize for the top male and female in each race! 

Join us for a beautiful spring run in lower Bidwell Park! A substantial portion of the race entry fees go to the local high school cross country running programs. When you participate in the Bidwell Classic, you are supporting local student athletes. If you would like to make an additional donation to the schools, please do so on the donation portion of the registration. Thank you so much for supporting this race and our local youth runners!

When: March 2nd, 2024
Time: First Race Starts at 8:00am
Location: Lower Bidwell Park
Online registration closes at 8:00am on Friday March 1st, 2024.  
In person registration will be available during packet pickup
Information | Register
On the Blog

Strength Training for Runners

Strength Training Guide | Fleet Feet


Strength training isn’t just for competitive weightlifters and gym rats. Runners can also see huge gains in their performance from simple (and consistent) strength training and weightlifting routines.

Whether you have access to a full gym with weights or you’re doing bodyweight workouts in your living room, there are plenty of great strength training exercises for runners that will help you topple PRs or just run easier.

Strength training helps improve many aspects of your running, including:

Injury prevention

One concern runners have, though, is that strength training will pack on muscle and increase bodyweight. But with the proper strength and resistance workouts for runners, you’ll add lean muscle that will improve your efficiency without weighing you down.

Rather than pumping out heavy sets of bench presses or doing preacher curls until failure, these strength training moves for runners target the essential muscle groups that will make you stronger and faster.

Running also doesn’t work single muscles in isolation; it recruits lots of muscles that have to work together to propel you forward.

Start your strength training routine by doing these workouts twice a week, either on your off days or after your runs if you have some energy left.

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