Hello Runners and walkers. Summer is coming and we need some motivation to keep moving in the hot summer months! The parks are beautiful, and the sun sets are later and later!! Right now, as we slowly move through the summer and await our next training cycle in August, we need to continue to stay active and healthy!
This year we are changing things up and want to invite you to join us for a Summer Milage Challenge! In leu of our regular summer maintenance training program, we are offering a challenge that will allow you to get your miles in a time that works for you! Fleet Feet Chico is also offering weekly Saturday community runs, so you can meet with a group and get your miles in together! First Saturday run will be June 1st and will continue each week through August 31st. All Saturday morning runs will start at the water tower at 3rd St. and Orient. This is a safe place to park, pick up the Annie Glen path into lower Bidwell Park and when your Finished you are close to the local farmers market or downtown to grab a coffee or breakfast treat with your run buds!
How the challenge will work:
You set the pace. The goal is to stay active and moving through the hot summer months. To make this happen we are going to have a mileage challenge to help us stay accountable! 250 Miles from Memorial Day to Labor Day, let's go! Thats an average of 2.50 miles a day! Log your miles on our challenge page or join our Strava page and keep track of them there! As a group, let's hit a summer goal of 12,000 miles!!! If everyone stays on track, we can do it!!
Join our Strava group today! Chico, California Club | Fleet Feet Chico on Strava
You can run, walk, skip or crawl to get to your 250 miles. These miles are active miles outside of your everyday routine.
We are also going to have weekly drawings to help keep you motivated! We will announce the goal of each week as the weeks roll to keep you on your toes! Anyone who completes the weekly challenge will be entered in that week's drawing! Some examples of our weekly challenges are:
- Anyone who is active all 7 days
- Anyone who participates in a multi-sport for the week (run, walk and bike)
- Anyone who posts and tags @fleetfeetchico on social during and activity
Challenge will be emailed out on Sunday and winners will be announced the following Monday on our social medial and email
What counts:
Walking the dog, going for a run, coffee walk with friends, skipping down the street or parking way down the street to walk to school or work, biking (2/1 ratio), Swimming, hiking. Anything that is measurable and keeps you moving!
What does not count:
Everyday walking at work or school. Walking around Winco, chasing the kids around the house.... (or maybe that should count)
You track your miles on whatever device you have. Can be your phone via various applications or a smart watch, then log the miles on the result page. That easy!
To hit your 250 miles, you will need to do an average of 2.5 miles per day, totally doable! Some of you might hit this early, awesome! Some might be running circles on Labor Day trying to finish it up! How you get it done is up to you.
Group meet up!
We will meet once a week to get some miles together and help keep each other on track!
Saturdays at 7:30am at the corner or Orient and 3rd St. - This is a casual meet up. No specific routes or distances planned. Just an opportunity to gather and run with our running community. Everyone hits the pavement at 7:35! Location is located close to the downtown farmers market and more if you wish to extend your time in the area with a coffee and a stroll through the market to get some fresh produce.
To log your miles, you will visit the race page and follow the instructions available here.
* Summer Mileage Challenge Tracking Link
All participants who complete the Summer Mileage Challenge will receive a Summer Challenge shirt from Upper Park Clothing!
Email us pictures of some of your adventures and we will post them on social media, or tag us at @fleetfeetchico (Facebook and Instagram)
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