We made an interactive Google Map that includes 50 alternative public restroom options along Chicago's lakefront path.
While some wait until the changing colors of the leaves or the fall equinox to declare the end of summer, real Chicago runners know that the fall season is here when the lakefront restrooms close to the public.
Each year, the dozens of public restrooms that line Chicago's lakefront path close during the colder months. The facilities typically begin closures in the third week of October. In 2018, they began to close on October 21st. The restrooms reopen late April, weather dependent.
The news comes as a bummer to many runners who use the lakefront path year-round, but the Chicago Park District doesn't close the facilities just to torture Chicago runners. They have their reasons for it: freezing water pipes, security costs, etc.
While you enjoy the cooler temperatures, there are many other public restroom options just a bit inland of the lakefront path.
The above interactive map was put together with help from the Chicago running community on Reddit, our Facebook followers, and select seasoned Chicago runners.
Do you have a public restroom that we should add to this list? Fill out the form below to have your submission added.
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