Go Into the Streak with Basic Fitness in Place
Starting a streak in good shape isn’t a suggestion—it’s a necessity. The impact stress of running every single day can be significant for less-trained runners, increasing the odds of injury. While you may look at running every day as a great way to increase your fitness, the risk of losing long stretches of training to injury can wipe out those gains pretty quickly.
That said, what minimum standards need to be in place before streaking is safe? That’s a somewhat subjective question, but if you’ve built a running base—running five to six days per week for the last month—it’s probably safe to assume you could handle streaking. If you’re a beginner or still learning how to run for exercise, consider putting off a streak until you build up your fitness.
Remember, it only needs to be a mile to count. If you get to your usual rest day and feel more tired than usual, going out for a jog around the block a few times will keep the streak alive.
It’s also worth noting that not all runs stress the body the same. If you’ve been incorporating workouts, long runs and easy days into your plan, by all means keep those in place. If jogging is the only name of the game, however, Week 2 of this challenge is probably not the time to try that new workout you read about. Respect your body and its need for recovery.