FF: How did you find yourself in this position?
A: It's crazy, I’m always a catch phrase sort of guy, and our company motto is “Run for Good” and I’ve always been in line with that. If you think about...everything we do in our daily lives, we can put some kind of “goodness” to it.
After the first few times I gave shoes to different high school track teams and coaches...it just kind of caught fire.
FF: Saucony’s Share the Run event raised upwards of $50k for Black Men Run and Black Girls Run last year, how do you see the event growing in the future?
A: I will tell you there is something huge in the making for Saucony and Black Men Run and Black Girls Run, I can’t say yet but it's big. I think moving forward we’re going to do some good things.
You have to realize this too...what Black Men Run stands for is so in line with “Run for Good''...it's so much more than a partnership with Black Men Run. Saucony has been partnered with them for about six or seven years now.