FF: You recently switched sponsors and became part of the Brooks Beasts Track Club. What was the transition like for you?
IH: I officially joined Brooks in December and went to Albuquerque with the team for training camp in January. The transition was pretty smooth, I already knew a bunch of people on the team from racing against them and there was even an overlap with some Penn State teammates. Joining the team and adapting to the team environment was easy since I had those prior relationships. In terms of training, it was also smooth because Coach Danny Mackey has a similar coaching style as my college coach. The general structure of the week is the same, we workout on the same days with the same style workouts. There were some new things that he did like new sets of drills and more plyometrics, but that stuff was all pretty easy to learn. Once I started racing indoors I felt the best I've ever felt while racing so it was a good sign that the training was working. My outdoor season has been a little slower because I tore my hamstring in March, so I've been just trying to come back into full form since then, which has been a little behind schedule.
Last March I made the World Indoor Championship team in the 800 meters, made it to the final and got 7th place. Then, Team USA needed someone to run the 4x4 relay leg in the preliminary round. I love the 4x4 so I agreed. 200 meters into the race as I tried to make a move and start my kick, I felt a pop in my hamstring. It was out of nowhere. It's unfortunate, but it's part of the sport.