Why World Record Holder Johnny Gregorek of ASICS Raced a Mile in Jeans for Mental Health Awareness
Pro ASICS runner Johnny Gregorek set a unique world record in May 2020: The fastest mile run in blue jeans. The blazing record of 4:06.25 was set in honor of his late brother, Paddy, who lost his battle with mental illness in 2019. Gregorek’s world record run raised over $37,000 for the National Alliance on Mental Illness of New York City (NAMI-NYC).
As a brand founded on "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body," ASICS invites you to join in this light-hearted event throughout May 2022 in honor of National Mental Health Awareness Month. Don your jeans and consider supporting NAMI with your own donation.
FREE Registration is open here from May 1-31 2022.