10-Minute Energizing Workouts

bust stress and feel more energized

These days, life can be busy and stressful. And, unfortunately sometimes there is little time to squeeze in even the shortest of runs. That's where high-intensity training comes in. Here are three surefire ways to bust stress, feel energized, and burn more fat throughout your day.


This 10-minute circuit is an on-the-road favorite for Fleet Feet's in-house video crew. You'll work up a sweat in no time, your legs will burn, and you might even be sore the next day.

The workout consists of three exercises: 5 burpees, 5 starfish jumps (aka squat jumps), and 10 V ups (double-sided crunches with straight legs) in that order.

How to do it: Start your timer. At the beginning of every minute, perform each exercise. Your rest is the remaining time of that minute. You may notice in the latter minutes that your rest feels a lot shorter. ... We liken this moment to the latter stages of a race. You can do it!

After your final rep, and only 10 minutes (which by this point might feel like eons), you'll have completed 50 burpees (WHOA!), 50 starfish jumps, and 100 V up crunches. Nice work.


This type of workout is a CrossFit class staple. While we have three suggested exercises below, you can really swap these out with just about anything. For starters, we suggest 20 jumping lunges (one on each side), 10 push ups (do these from your knees if you're not able to hold good form for the entirety of the workout), 10 starfish jumps.

How to do it: Set the timer and go. The goal is to do as many rounds as you possibly can in 10 minutes. Make it more fun by recruiting a friend or family member to race.

Safety note: Since this workout is about speed, please take extra care to ensure that you're using proper form for every move. If your form suffers at any point, SLOW DOWN. Also, it's a good idea to spend a few minutes warming up before and cooling down after.


This three-move circuit is so good that we had to include it again. Opera suggests three different moves: hip drops, pulsing jumping lunges, and hip raises from bridge pose. If you're looking for a strength-building circuit without the gut-busting intensity of the first two (it's still intense, though), this one is for you.

How to do it: Read the full post and watch the video here.